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Best Programming Books for Kids in 2023

The modern world is the world of digital technologies. Today, more than ever, professions related to information technology are as important and in demand as possible.

According to the Statista website, the global information technology (IT) spending for 2023 is estimated at around $5.3 trillion. Looking ahead, growth in the worldwide industry is expected to continue through 2024 at a 5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

That's why wise parents see this as a chance for their children. For their children to succeed in their future careers, it is essential to teach them how to code as early as possible.

Teaching children to code at a young age is one of the best decisions one can make because they are ready and able to learn new concepts relatively quickly.

Below we have compiled a list of the best programming books that will come in handy if you want to teach your children this craft:

Coding games in Scratch by John Woodcock

This book places a lot of emphasis on problem-solving strategies, developing projects and solving ideas, and solving games you can play with your friends.

With Coding Games in Scratch, kids can create single and multiplayer platform games, create puzzles and memory games, race through mazes, add animations, and more. He also supports STEM education initiatives and the maker movement.

coding games

Programming for Kids and Dummies by Camilla Moody McKue

This book is the perfect way for young learners aged 8 to 13 who want to learn more about coding than you can learn in an hour, day or week.

Ideal for teaching children and beginner programmers. Here you can learn the evergreen concepts of writing computer code. And also, children will be able to create game applications and cool gadgets to show off to their friends. It will benefit your kids looking for work at MLSDev - software development company.

Camille McCue

Programming for children 9-15 years old by Bob Mather

This book starts from the basics: installing software, configuring, and writing your first lines of code. There are exercises at the end of each chapter to test your new knowledge and move you forward. And then, we'll give you some more advanced skills to get you started building websites.

Bob Mather

Python for Kids by Jason R. Briggs

This book will guide your child through the basics of Python. New terms are defined; the code is colored, dissected, and explained, and whimsical full-color illustrations make things lighter. The chapters end with programming puzzles designed to stretch your brain and strengthen your understanding. 

Python kids

Coding for Kids by Adrienne Tacke

This book starts with 50 fun interactive activities that teach them the basics of the Python programming language. From learning the basic building blocks of programming to creating their games, kids will progress through individual lessons filled with helpful examples and a bit of goofiness!

Adrienne B. Tacke


Forbes writes that learning to code is about much more than helping kids understand the technology they're using, though that's important. We at know that it is impossible not to think about a successful digital future for our children in the digital world. It means that the sooner they become familiar with coding, the easier it will be for them in the future.

Author’s bio: Anastasiia Lastovetska is a technology writer at MLSDev, a software development company that builds web & mobile app solutions from scratch. She researches the area of technology to create great content about app development, UX/UI design, tech & business consulting.