Lionhearts Baby & Toddler Group | Mums & Tots Groups Skip to main content
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Lionhearts Baby & Toddler Group


Lionhearts is a vibrant baby and toddler group which meets in St Marks Church every Wednesday from 1.30-3pm.

The atmosphere is friendly and the children enjoy lots of crafts, from painting to play-dough. There are plenty of toys, interactive games and a quiet time with songs and stories each week. Parents and carers enjoy the chance to chat, laugh and share troubles over a coffee in relaxed surroundings.

At special times of the year, e.g. around Mothering Sunday, Christmas and Easter, Lionhearts celebrates with food and even more fun than usual! And don’t miss our Teddy Bear’s Picnic, which takes place in the Rectory garden in July.

So, come on little people, tell your grown-ups to put your walking shoes on, start up those push-chairs and join in the fun - don't forget to bring Teddy!

Main Address: St Marks Church Church, Walk Bilton, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV22 7LX


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